Podcast: I'll Take A Shot At That
This podcast deals with a whole range of issues from things to know about when living in Germany to current affairs, and there are fabulous interviews with a great many fascinating guests. The podcast took a break during the pandemic but is now back with new topics and new guests. All episodes can be heard here.
Podcast: Unerhört - Der Nordsachsen Podcast
The Landkreis Nordsachsen - a district council north of Leipzig - is a booming region for business, culture, and innovation with beautiful nature and an enviable quality of life. Well Rounded Hoodlum recorded and produced a podcast series by Nordsachsen for the whole world. The series addresses a wide range of topics specific to the region. To listen to the podcast and appreciate the audio quality, click here (in German)

Music Album: The Hungover - Face The Facts
Leipzig's established blues punk band, The Hungover, debuted their first album "Face The Facts" in July 2023. Well Rounded Hoodlum produced the album and was directly involved in the recording, mixing and mastering. The album can be listened to and purchased here